Pencils Out! The National DSA Trips to Peru and Venezuela (ft Austin G)

For our August General Meeting we’re honored to have Austin Gonzalez from the DSA National Political Committee to talk about the International Committee’s trips to observe the elections in Peru and representing the organization in the Congreso Bicentenario de los Pueblos in Caracas, Venezuela while taking another week to visit the famous communes of Venezuela.

For the official reportback from the delegation check out this video on the Official DSA Youtube:…

Also be sure to check out Austin’s podcast Machete Y Mate which is an overview in the going ons with the Global South in the face of US Imperialism

DSA and The PRO Act

From our April General Meeting; author & PGH DSA Member Ryan Brown (writer of Pittsburgh and the Great Steel Strike of 1919) discusses the history Labor acts in the US from the 1930s on today with the PRO ACT and how the DSA is involved in the organizing trying to pass this landmark act.

Link to Ryan’s Book:…

Abortion Access History and the Current Landscape

For our March 2021 General Meeting; the Political Education Committee reached out to the Socialist Feminist Committee to give an Ed Segment for Women’s History Month. The committee focused on presenting the history of Abortion Access and the current challenges to abortion access.

Here is a link to the chapter’s official fundraiser for Western PA Fund For Choice! Likewise consider joining the team as well!

Outside Pittsburgh? Then email for advice on how to start your own abortion drive website!

What the FuQ?! Understanding Right Wing Conspiracy Theories

Join the PGH DSA Political Education committee for a short presentation and informal discussion about the sources, nature, and political reality of right-wing conspiracy theories today—most manifestly, Qanon.

(Content Warning: Due to the nature of these conspiracy theories, discussions of anti-Semitic rhetoric, accusations of pedophilia, and other potentially upsetting material will undoubtedly be a part of this presentation and discussion.)

To view slides for the presentation go here and make sure to subscribe to the PGH DSA YouTube Channel!